Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Very cool

Syra has had saying Mommy and Daddy down for a while now. She has just recently begun to ask for us by name now depending on who she wants. We both think that is very cool.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Something new

Well tonight was the first time Syra went into Toys R Us. And her reaction was pretty funny, she kept pointing at things, and went crazy when we took her down the stuffed animal aisle. She kept looking at us, like why haven't you brought me here before today? We had fun cruising around the store, got we came for and got out.

Anywho Syra learned how to do something new tonight. We have been showing her consistently for a few days now, and tonight she got it. We have an awesome night light/ sound maker that attaches to the crib. It has rainforest sounds, and it rocks Denton and I love it. There is a bird in the corner that you push to turn it on and off. Syra now undrstands that pushing the bird will do just that. She has been trying to do it herself for a few days, but either didn't push the bird hard enough or push just above the bird. Well let me tell you she knows just how to do it now. I think that poor thing has been started and stopped more tonight than it has in the past 10 months. It is pretty funny to watch her start and stop it. She was very proud of herself.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sweet sweet kisses

Syra now understands fully the concept of kisses. I can ask for a kiss and depending on if she feels like giving one she will either give or not give. I personally love it when she does give one. She leans in with a wide open mouth and I make the mmmmmmm muah sound until the kiss is complete. I found that a while ago, she will sit and read her books, say a little story (in baby talk) while turning the pages, and then when she got a certain page would fold her self in half. I thought what in the heck is she doing, baby yoga? haha Well it turns out that she would be giving kisses to the pages of her books. It thought it was so sweet, one is a bear that she always give kisses now. She is so thoughtful to share her sweet kisses. When we wake up in the morning and if I am not wide awake by the time she is, (which is almost always, I never believe it is time to get up) she is on my chest kissing me over and over on my face. After just a few trust me I am awake, from the amount of wetness that is all over my face.

Monday, September 15, 2008

10 months

Syra is 22 pounds, and about 29' long, has 3 teeth with 2 more peeking through. She has got LOTS of hair that has the beginning of curls. She is a champion crawler, has a great sense of humor, and has attitude packed with punch! You can see more photos at www.picasaweb.google.com/denton.davenport

Friday, September 12, 2008

It has been discovered...

that Syra has two top teeth coming in!!! How exciting, as of right now she only has three bottom teeth! haha I think she will like having those two top teeth very much, with as much as she likes to eat! I on the other hand will be looking forward to some sleepless nights with those puppies coming in! Thank goodness there is coffee to drink in the morning.


Syra blew her first raspberry on my skin this morning! It was pretty funny, she made me laugh and then she just cracked her self up. She was so proud of herself. We were practicing on daddy last night before we went to bed, and I have been showing her the last couple of days too. And this morning she did it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Likes and dislikes

These are a few of Syra's likes and dislikes as of today. I cannot believe my baby girl is almost 10 months! That is sheer craziness to me, I still remember being pregnant with her. But it is so exciting to watch her grow and learn how to do new things, saying new words, understanding what I am saying.

The other day my cat came in and was meowing and I knew that she wanted food, so I said to Syra, "come on we need to go feed the kitty", and with that she grabbed this book that has a cat in it and opened the page, pointed and said kitty. It brought a tear to my eye. She is a smart cookie.


+ Snuggling mommy and daddy, and giving us kisses
+ Snuggle Bear, a gift from Bonika when she went to Belize, it white and super soft
+ Cheerios (not the honey ones)
+ Animals
+ Giving herself kisses in the mirror
+ Jamba Juice, so much now that she will rip the straw right out of your mouth, I have to get some in a separate kid cup so she has her own
+ Balloons
+ Good food, she was never into the baby food, she would look at you and be saying why are you feeding this to me? She enjoys pretty much everything we cook. She especially loves our apple-banana pancakes
+ Baby Einstein
+ Books, she loves her books, she opens them and gives kisses and says a story while flipping through the pages
+ Being naked she has figured out how to get her diaper off, to the point of where I have to keep bloomers on her
+ Water, she loves showers, the pool, playing with the water in the sink, drinking it
+ My art stuff, she thoroughly enjoys getting into my art stuff, and cracks up when I tell her no, I move her only to find her back in her same spot in less than a minute.
+ Getting sung to sleep, I have a special song I sing for her when it is nap or night time
+ Being outside, she watches the trees blow in the breeze, she will stare and point at the moon in the sky, going for walks
+ giving kisses
+ Clapping her hands together, we have a song that we sing and clap our hands to, now that she figured out how, she is always doing it
+ She likes to pick out her outfits, I give her two choices and she picks what she wants to wear
+ Playing peek a boo
+ Having her picture taken
+ Jewelry, she loves to touch it, look at it, she loves her little necklace that she gets to wear, she just holds on to it in her hand
+ I have a brown and white polka dot bikini top, and she gets a hold of it and tries to put it on, maybe because that is the suit I wear when we go swimming? Anyways once you put it on her, she is happy happy happy, not so happy when you take it off.
+ Music, she has some drums she likes to bang on, she also sings along with it sometimes, and sometimes she doesn't even need music to sing, sometimes she sings with me when I am singing to her, sometimes she just sits and sings
+ Swinging in her swing outside as long as she isn't near any flowers


- Flowers, if they are real and you get them near her, she freaks out, especially roses
- IRobot, we have an irobot in the house and when she hears it, her eyes get big, and it gets near her and she is on the floor, (she cannot walk yet), but she is running away from it screaming. Even when it is at it's "dock" charging or sleeping, she gives it dirty dirty looks
- not being able to talk to communicate yet, she gets frustrated sometimes
- going to sleep, she fights going to sleep most of the time, hence the singing to her, she relaxes and then eventually goes to sleep. It as if she doesn't want to miss anything
- Strangers, random people come up to her and say something to her, she looks them and then looks at one of us and seems to say, "do I have to acknowledge them?" It makes us crack up. The other day a lady touched her arm and Syra grabbed her finger and threw it, it totally offended this lady, I was doing everything not to burst out laughing.
- Hats, she has gotten better on this one, sometimes she will wear them and sometimes the moment it touches her head she rips it right off

Well I am sure that there is more, but for now that is all I can think of

Monday, September 8, 2008

so close...

Syra is sooooo super close to walking, I am so excited! She has been pulling herself up since around 6.5 months. Back then she would pull herself up to get to something and then sit back down, and then pull up and then sit down, and up and down. She was so determined to up and down that she made my arms sore just watching her! haha. Now she can pull herself up like an olympic champ! She can pull herself up on the oddest of things. But anywho, she for the last month and a half or so has been pulling herself up and then taking a step here and there, now she is zooming all the way around the coffee table or couch and it now transfering to another object. So there is that split second where she isn't holding on to anything. All she wants to do is have you hold her hands and walk around, so much that it is starting to take a toll on my lower back. I know since she has started crawling she has got a one way pass to get into EVERYTHING! So I know I am going to have to seriously keep my eyes on her when she starts walking. I will keep you posted for her first steps!